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frosh leader
DCHP-2 (Sep 2013)
n. — Education
a senior student who leads events during frosh week.
Type: 5. Frequency — The OED-3 (s.v. "frosh" n.2) and COD-2 (s.v. "frosh") mark the term frosh as "N. Amer. slang" and describe it as a "modified shortening of 'freshman'", possibly from the German word for frog, frosch. Frosh leader applies the general meaning of 'frosh' to a person, usually a more senior student, who facilitates events during frosh week. Frosh leader is virtually restricted to Canada (see Chart 1).
See: frosh week
The Engineers proceeded from the throwing of Rod and Sandy into the freezing lily-pond to the abducting of Dandy, Ken Lamb, and frosh leader John Butterfield to Grouse Mountain, and the attempted but unsuccessful kidnapping of a few Mardi Gras Queen candidates.
Leask told the Ubyssey how he obtained the position, for the guidance for any other would-be Frosh leader:
"I decided to attend Frosh retreat," he said.
"Frosh Retreat is for people who want to become active in student government," he said.
Frosh leaders - students who help look after freshmen during orientation activities - undergo a two-day, 9 a.m.-to-5 p.m. training session that includes alcohol and sex-assault training, he said. And the prospective leaders are now being interviewed to make sure they aren't trying to take advantage of the free food and beer.
Brandon Tulloch, 19, a University of Waterloo mechanical engineering student and frosh leader from Niagara Falls, was chosen yesterday to act as a bridge for his teammates over the "integrity pit." Teams had to try and get every member across without getting dirty.
Lorenzi, who was a frosh leader for three years during her undergrad years at Simon Fraser University, said she believes the first-year students participating in orientation never should have been put in the position of having to take part in the chant.
"It's your first year, your first week and being the one who 'ruins the fun' might be a very difficult position."
- OED-3
- COD-2